Smile Gallery
Case 1: Missing teeth, multiple spaces between teeth
M.A. 30 years old: full time mother of two
Case 2: Severe crowding in upper and lower jaws, overlapping teeth.
E.F. 14 years old: student
Case 3: Upper teeth flaring out and spaced out, rotated front teeth.
N.H. 29 years old: Banker
Case 4: Anterior crossbite, severely crowded and pushed out teeth.
J.C. 34 years old: Transportation Officer
Case 5: Upper front teeth tipped in, lower teeth biting into roof of upper jaw, deep overbite and missing tooth.
K.N. 32 years old: Marketing Executive
Case 6: Constricted upper jaw with crossbites
M.C. 14 years old: Student
Case 7: Severe crowding, impacted teeth, dental midline not centred, deep overbite, increased overjet.
D.O. 15 years old: Student
Case 8: Small teeth, spaces, deep overbite and impacted canine tooth.
G.S. 16 years old: Student Counsellor
Case 9: Upper teeth flaring forward, increased overjet, crowded teeth, open bite
N.C. 13 years old: Student
Case 10: Increased overjet, crowding in both arches
S.W. 17 years old: Child care assistant
Case 11: Crowding in upper and lower jaws, deep overbite
S.B. 11 years old: Student
Case 12: Crowding in upper jaw, narrow smile
J.F. 34 years old: Music teacher