Teen Orthodontics Brisbane

How orthodontics can help you

Often orthodontic treatment is needed because there is not enough room in the mouth to fit all the teeth in an orderly, functional and visually pleasing way. Apart from aesthetic reasons, braces can also help prevent dental problems, gum problems, chewing and speaking difficulties.


How you look can affect your self-confidence and self-esteem. An attractive smile is a valuable asset and having teeth straight can contribute to improving one’s general attitude toward life.

Tooth wear

Crooked teeth can show abnormal wear patterns that can shorten the life of the teeth or result in expensive treatment later in life.

Cleaning of teeth

Crooked and crowded teeth are difficult to clean. It is also hard to motivate yourself to clean crooked and crowded teeth. Without adequate cleaning, decay and gum disease can easily occur.

Gum Problems

Gum damage can also occur when the lower teeth bite into the gums of the upper teeth. This can result in early bone loss and therefore eventual loss of teeth.

Chewing and Speaking difficulties and jaw joint problems

In excessive cases, crooked and crowded teeth can result in difficulties in all these areas.

Teen Orthodontics Brisbane

Braces and Colours

Braces are small brackets that are usually cemented to the front of the teeth to act as “handles” so that an archwire can then be threaded through and held on by elastic modules or steel ligatures. The constant pressure this creates correctly repositions your teeth. Depending on the severity of your individual situation, we will need to adjust these wires on a regular basis.

The exciting part of having braces is to be able to choose different colours. The colours in the so-called coloured braces simply come from the coloured rubber rings (or modules as we called it) that tie the wires onto the brackets. The rubber rings are changed every visit and patients have a range of colours to choose from. The trend towards coloured braces among the younger generation is because having braces is no longer a stigma. It has become a rite of passage for teenagers and they wear the braces with colours to express their personality, moods and affiliation.

Choices of colours available for braces


Treatment concerns

Best time for treatment

In many patients who are ready to start braces, the best time is around the time the last baby tooth is shed. This is usually about 12 years of age.

Inconvenience during treatment

For most people, treatment will require changes to their daily routine and diet. For example, you may not eat sticky foods (such as toffees) and hard foods (such as raw carrots). Soft drinks should be avoided or taken in moderation. You will need to intensify your efforts at keeping your teeth clean. You may also need to wear a mouthguard when playing contact sports.


Whether you require teeth to be removed will depend. In general though these days teeth are only removed when it is clear that removal is the only way to create enough space to align teeth and produce a balanced outcome.At OrthoSmile Orthodontics, we have a through planning process to determine if taking teeth out is the most appropriate action. In fact in some instances we will commence treatment without removal of teeth and reassess mid-treatment to make sure. If at that time it is clear that we must remove teeth, it can be done then.

There has been controversy in the media in recent years about the role of extractions but there is no evidence to suggest that properly planned and performed orthodontic treatment damages the smile or face. Extraction and non-extraction treatment modes are both accepted and acceptable in the right circumstances. Extractions are sometimes used to provide space for the correction of excessively prominent front teeth, correct centre-lines and provide space to permit the teeth to meet properly when there is a mild imbalance in the jaw sizes. Sometimes extraction and space closure is a better alternative than retaining poor quality or decayed teeth, and may be often cheaper than repairing these teeth for a lifetime.

Length of treatment

Each case is different and a consultation is necessary to determine the approximate treatment time. For most patients, treatment takes about approximately 18 months with appointments for orthodontic adjustments and monitoring every 6 to 10 weeks. Some cases may be finished earlier and others may take longer. The total treatment time depends on the complexity of the original problem, the type of treatment carried out and the cooperation of the patient. To avoid treatment delays, follow instructions, keep appointments, and take good care of your teeth, gums and braces.

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