Page 4 - Orthosmile Orthodontics
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We Need Your Help! Remember, Dirty Teeth
Why? You will have fewer problems in your mouth during = Extra Time With Braces!
your orthodontic treatment with us. By closely following Clean teeth facilitate faster teeth movement during
all instructions, you can cut the time in braces and give orthodontic treatment. If your teeth are dirty and your
yourself the wonderful bene t of knowing you have gums get red, swollen and puffy, then your teeth will
helped create your winning smile. move slower in that area. So a good rule to follow is
clean your teeth well and cut the time in your braces. If
What It Means To Help? you do not clean your teeth well, you will see white
Helping or cooperating means doing some very easy marks on the teeth after braces are removed. Your gums
things, such as keeping appointments as scheduled. If may also puff up and sometimes cover the braces and
you change your appointment date, especially for an wires, making it even harder for you to clean your
important procedure, you might not be rescheduled for braces. In severe cases of gum overgrowth due to poor
up to four to six weeks. This means your braces stay on oral hygiene, we may have to refer you to a gum
extra time, right? You bet. So only change times in specialist to have the excess gum removed.
extreme circumstances, like if you are too sick to go to
work or school. Always try to know in advance when Remember, Less Wear of Elastics
events such as eld trips, tests, or meetings, are to take = Longer Time With Braces!
If you wear your elastics as requested, then you will
nish faster and have a nicer smile. We want you to to be
Remember, Missed Appointments happy with your smile and we all want you to nish with
= Extra Time With Braces! your braces as fast as possible.
Helping also means coming on time. If you are late, your
full appointment may not be done, and this adds to time Remember,
in your braces. It also causes us to be late for the next You Still Need To See Your Dentist!
person, which next time might be you! Some waiting may The continuing services of your family dentist will still be
occur during the busy times of the day, such as rst thing necessary throughout your treatment program.
in the morning and after school. Please be prepared. We Cleanings and cavity check-ups are more important
ask for your patience if we run late because there may be when you are wearing braces. Please don’t delay. Go
unexpected emergencies or parents asking questions every six months or in some cases, where there is a
etc. heavier build-up of plaque and tartar, go every three
Remember, Breakages
= Extra Time With Braces!
Braces and retainers can break. If something breaks, it
won’t work properly. So, if you know someting is broken,
contact us to organise a time to repair it.