Page 9 - Orthosmile Orthodontics
P. 9
To Avoid
Do NOT eat hard crunchy foods. Make sure the foods When are my braces coming off?
are cut up into smaller bite pieces.
Do NOT eat sticky foods. This DOES include all types Yes, we know you would like your braces off NOW. You
of GUM! think your teeth are “straight enough”. Try to:
Do NOT place your favourite pen, pencil or ruler in
your mouth! REMEMBER that we know the correct positions for your
Do NOT “play” with or wiggle the bands or wires with teeth. That’s ALL your teeth, not just the front ones.
your tongue!
Do Not chew your ngernails! REMEMBER that the more you help us the faster your
braces will come off.
Please help us and yourself by checking your bands and
brackets. If you nd anything loose (it moves up and REMEMBER that dirty teeth move slower and develop
down on the tooth), stains and permanent scars.
IT SHOULD BE REPORTED TO US REMEMBER to wear your elastics the correct amount of
IMMEDIATELY... EVEN IF YOUR time. Even if you do all the correct stuff, your teeth may
APPOINTMENT IS THE SAME DAY! still not move as quickly as we all would like. Sometimes
you have to be a patient patient.
Please remember that a loose brace is not an emergency If you want to know how much longer we expect to
unless it causes a painful reaction. If the bracket on continue with your braces, ask the orthodontist for an
which an elastics attaches to has come loose,
update. However, asking often is like asking “Are we there
yet?”. You know what the answer to that is… You’ll be the
PLEASE STOP WEARING ALL ELASTICS. rst to know when we arrive! 07