Page 11 - Orthosmile Orthodontics
P. 11
for Braces
Importance of Oral Hygiene We Recommend You To Use:
As you eat, your teeth and braces collect food. If this 1. A small soft nylon toothbrush. We recommend the use
food isn’t removed after each meal, plaque forms and of manual toothbrushing. Electric toothbrushes work
can act as a food source for the bacteria in your mouth. but only when used properly. Improper use can
This will lead to: damage the braces.
- Cavities (tooth decay) and decalci cation (white 2. An interdental brush. This is designed so that you could
markings on your teeth). effectively remove plaque from around the gumline,
- Gum disease, which is seen as swollen, red and under your braces and between your braces. It works
bleeding gums; your gums become in amed. very well and should be used each day, particularly
- The gums between the teeth may become swollen before bedtime.
and even grow in excess to cover the braces and
wires. 3. A uoride toothpaste for cleaning.
It is easy to care for your braces and gums, and in so 4. A uoride mouthrinse. Because your risk of tooth
doing, these problems can be avoided by good decay is higher while you are wearing braces, we also
brushing. Also, if your gums are swollen and in amed, recommend you to use a daily uoride mouthrinse to
your teeth will not move as easily and you will experience strengthen your tooth enamel against decay. Please
more discomfort during your treatment. check for the ingredient uoride on the bottle label.
Many brands are available eg. Colgate, Oral-B,
Sensodyne and Listerine. The mouthrinse is used
nightly before you sleep by rinsing undiluted for 1 min
after you brush your teeth.
5. Although slightly more time-consuming, dental oss
can be used with the aid of a oss threader, an Oral-B
Super oss or a Platypus osser.
6. Plaque disclosing tablets can also be very helpful as
they help stain plaque - then you can brush until all the
stain is gone. When you are sure that you know how to
brush your teeth really clean, you can stop using the
disclosing tablets. 09