Blog Corner

Invisalign vs. Braces: An Overview of Orthodontic Options

As orthodontic care evolves, patients often find themselves weighing the benefits of two popular treatments: Invisalign and traditional braces. Understanding the nuances, effectiveness, and specific applications of each can help guide your decision and achieve your desired results. Mechanism of Action Invisalign: Utilizes a series of clear, custom-moulded aligners crafted…

Invisalign at Orthosmile

Invisalign is a popular orthodontic treatment that uses clear, custom-made aligners to straighten teeth. It is an alternative to traditional metal braces that are often associated with discomfort and appearance concerns. The benefits and limitations of Invisalign, how it works, and what to expect during the treatment process will be…

The ABCDs of what foods/habits to avoid during braces

Many people feel a little confused about the do’s and don’ts once orthodontic treatment begins. We’ve put together this helpful ABCD guide featuring menu options that won't compromise your health. The A’s Anyone who wears fixed braces should avoid excessive snacking, aiming instead to eat a healthy and balanced diet…

What Foods/Drinks Stain Your Teeth the most?

You brush your teeth twice a day, don’t smoke, and floss diligently. So, why are your teeth still discoloured?! It can be frustrating to feel like you’re doing everything right and still getting stains on your teeth, but the answer might be in your diet rather than your oral hygiene…

The dangers of drinking sweet acidic drinks

Exposing your teeth to soft drinks can cause dental erosion. Prolonged exposure can lead to significant irreversible loss of enamel. Consumers often consider soft drinks to be harmless, believing the main concern is sugar content. Some even choose to consume ‘diet’ drinks to alleviate this concern. However, diet drinks contains…

The Benefits of Phase I Orthodontic Treatment

In orthodontics there are two phases for the types of treatments suggested and used for different patients. Whether you know it or not, you’re probably already familiar with “Phase II” orthodontic treatments. These include things like braces and aligners, which move permanent adult teeth into more desirable or functional positions.…

How to brush your teeth properly

Bacterial plaque is the transparent layer of bacteria that coats our teeth. They cause tooth decay and gum disease. The best way to remove the plaque is by brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing once a day.  Brushing your teeth correctly will ensure that you will have a…

All About Braces

THE BENEFITS OF HAVING BRACES There are two reasons to get braces: to improve your smile, or to correct a bad bite. Improving your smile is an aesthetic change, but improving your bite is a medical one. Braces can not only realign the teeth themselves but subtly reshape the jaw…

Lingual Braces: 5 things you should know

If you’re an adult with misaligned teeth, there’s a good chance you’ve been put off getting orthodontic treatment by the thought of having to show off a mouth full of wires and metal studs for a year or more. Fortunately, and unknown to most people, there are plenty of discrete…

Are we too old for braces?

Are we too old for braces? Have you ever wondered if you are too old to have braces? An increasing number of adults are getting orthodontic devices fitted. In fact, it has been estimated that up to 20 per cent of patients having braces are adults. There is no upper…

Are you ready for Damon braces?

Damon braces are faster and more comfortable than traditional braces The Damon Bracket System involves the use of passive self-ligating braces that really set it apart from other orthodontic approaches.  With Damon braces, you don’t need elastic ties that create friction that slow treatment and cause discomfort. Damon braces also…


BEFORE YOU EAT, YOU NEED TO THINK ABOUT: Will this food damage my braces (or cause an emergency)? Will this food affect my smile after orthodontic treatment? Is is it worth the trouble eating something I am not supposed to? Here is a list of what foods are recommended or…

Retaining your smile: why do teeth relapse after braces

Retaining your smile: why do teeth relapse after braces

Relapse won’t happen overnight: but if you do not wear your retainer your teeth will eventually relapse This is the third and final retaining your smile blog. In this blog we will look at what to do if you have, for whatever reason, stopped wearing your retainer. What to do…

Retaining your smile: wear a retainer for straight teeth

Retaining your smile: wear a retainer to maintain straight teeth

Part two of our retaining your smile article At Orthosmile Orthodontics Brisbane we don’t just do braces. We also help patients keep their teeth straight after braces. As we’ve already mentioned in shift happens: when you wear your retainer, embracing change and maintaining it and retaining your smile: why you…

Retaining your smile: why you want to wear your retainer

Retaining your smile: Why you want to wear your retainer

It takes one to two years for braces to straighten your teeth. So why would you not wear your retainer to maintain results? (more…)

Embracing change and maintaining it

This is final embracing change post! The embracing change series of posts have covered: cleaning your braces what you can and can’t eat while wearing braces the vital importance of elastics for orthodontic treatment the difference between traditional braces and clear aligners In this post we are going to look…

Embracing change: doing things differently

This is the second-last embracing change post! So far in this series we’ve looked at cleaning your braces, what you can and can’t eat while wearing braces and the vital importance of elastics for orthodontic treatment. In this post we are going to look at the difference between looking after…

Embracing change: time to be flexible

Caring for braces and the importance of being flexible Okay, you’ve made the important decision to get braces. Now you need to maintain them to ensure the best treatment. In part one we looked at cleaning your braces and how maintaining a meticulous oral hygiene routine is not only good…

Embracing Change: Lucky Winter’s here

Part two of our caring for braces article At Orthosmile Orthodontics we aim to help make our patients’ braces experience as easy as possible. In part two of our caring for braces article we’ll explore what you should and shouldn’t eat while wearing braces. By empowering you and your family…

Embracing change: Caring for your braces

This is the first in a series of five articles about caring for your braces At Orthosmile Orthodontics we are committed to helping our patients care for their braces while they’re at home. This five part series on caring for your braces will take an in-depth look at the best…

When you want shift to happen

If you’re an adult shift is bad: when you’re a kid it can be just what you need In our last blog (shift happens) we talked about the negative effects of not wearing a retainer, and how your teeth will generally relapse into their pre-treatment position. It is a different…

Shift happens: When you don’t wear your retainer

If you’ve had orthodontic treatment in the past and have not worn your retainer it is more than likely that your teeth will have relapsed. That is why it is important that you wear a retainer. Orthodontists don’t just hand out retainers for the fun of it. The purpose of…

How you can brighten your smile with Orthosmile

Get a colourful and playful smile with Orthosmile Orthodontics Twenty or thirty years ago, braces were often something to be embarrassed about. A thing to be avoided. Not anymore, it seems. Celebrities happily smile wide showing off their orthodontic treatment on the red carpet. As orthodontic technology has improved, treatment…

Discreetly straighten your smile with Invisalign

Avoid braces: get the discreet lifestyle friendly choice for straighter teeth At Orthosmile Orthodontics in Newmarket, Aspley, Chermside and Bulimba we offer a number of discreet orthodontic treatments: lingual braces and Invisalign. Lingual braces are bonded to the back side of your teeth so no one will see you’re getting…

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